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A Spiritual Journey through the Holy Land

This unique tour offers you the opportunity to discover the Holy Land in luxury and style in your own Private Car with your own Private Guide. Journey through the Galilee from Nazareth to the lake of the fishermen, just as Jesus and His disciples did 2000 years ago. Pause, contemplate and pray in Jerusalem, in Bethlehem, in Nazareth and at the Sea of Galilee. The touring inclusions listed in the itinerary are just a sample of what you will experience. Your Tour Director will custom-tailor your route to match your personal needs
and interest; you’ll travel to the sites and churches favored by your Christian denomination. This special program is ideal for couples, groups of friends and families. You’ve always dreamed of visiting the Holy Land. Now is the time!

Tel Aviv, Tiberias, Jerusalem

Tour Departs on: Sundays
Tour Includes
  • Deluxe Hotels
  • 6 Days Sightseeing per Itinerary by Private car/Microbus with Private Guide
  • All Transfers by Private Car
  • Visit a Druze Village and enjoy an authentic Druze Lunch
  • See the “Jesus Boat” by the Sea of Galilee
  • Visit the baptismal site of Yardenit
  • Walk through the Hasmonean Tunnel Jerusalem or visit the Herodian Mansions
  • Lunch and swim at a Dead Sea Spa hotel
  • “Night Spectacular” Sound & Light Show in Jerusalem
  • Arrival and Departure Services at Ben Gurion Airport with special assistance (international flights)
12 Meals
  • Buffet Breakfast Daily, 2 Lunches, 2 Dinners


City Night Hotel
Tel Aviv 1 Royal Beach (Bella Vista Room, Bus. Lounge Access)
Tiberias 2 U Boutique Kinneret- U Deluxe Room
Jerusalem 5 Orient (Orient Room, Exec. Lounge Access)

Sunday: En Route

Depart the U.S.A. on your flight to Israel.


Monday: Tel Aviv

Welcome to Israel! Arrive Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv; special meeting, assistance and transfer to your hotel on the Mediterranean shore in vibrant Tel Aviv. Tonight, enjoy a light meal in the executive lounge of your hotel. Overnight in Tel Aviv.


Tuesday: Tiberias

Drive through the main streets of vivacious Tel Aviv known as the “White City” to the ancient port of Joppa (Jaffa) from where Jonah set sail and where Peter had his housetop experience at the home of Simon the Tanner. Walk along the charming cobblestone streets, now filled with boutiques and galleries. Then, drive along the Mediterranean coast to ancient Caesarea; tour the theater, aqueduct and Crusader fortress. Continue to a Druze Village to see and hear about these unique Israelis and enjoy an authentic Druze Lunch. Continue north to the the timeless Crusader port city of Acre (Akko), with its Middle Age fortress, subterranean city and bazaars. The old city of Acre is one of the fascinating old cities in Israel and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Soon arrive to your hotel in Tiberias for overnight. (B.L)


Wednesday: Tiberias

Drive along the shores of the Sea of Galilee via Magdala – home of Mary Magdalene to arrive at Capernaum, home to Peter and the center of Jesus’ preaching. Capernaum was a fishing village located on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee. Archaeological excavations have revealed two ancient synagogues built one over the other. A church near Capernaum is said to be the original home of Saint Peter. Continue to Tabgha place of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes: Visit the Church of the Multiplication and its ancient, colorful mosaics and the Church of the Primacy with the “Mensa Christi”, a large rock where Jesus shared meals with his disciples. Ascend the Mount of Beatitudes, marking the place of the Sermon on the Mount while enjoying the beautiful view of the entire Galilee. Then, ascend the Golan Heights for a greater understanding of the fierce battles that took place during the 1967 Six-Day War and the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Visit Caesarea Philippi (Banias), built by Philip, son of Herod, at one of the sources of the Jordan River the location of one of the largest springs feeding the Jordan River. Return to your hotel for overnight. (B)

Thursday: Jerusalem

Drive to Kibbutz Ginossar to see the “Jesus Boat”, an extraordinary ancient boat reclaimed from the Sea of Galilee, dating from the time of Jesus. Continue to Yardenit on the Jordan River with its specially built Baptismal site. Pass ancient Cana site of Jesus’ first miracle at a wedding celebration on the drive to Nazareth, where Jesus spent His youth; visit the Basilica of the Annunciation, the Church of St. Joseph and Mary’s Well where the archangel Gabriel announced the Incarnation of the Son of God. Continue south arriving at Bet Shean, an ancient city from the time of King Saul; see the excavated remains of a Roman city. Soon you will arrive at the Golden City of Jerusalem. Evening: Restaurant Dinner and Night Tour of “illuminated” Jerusalem followed by the “Night Spectacular” Sound & Light show at the Citadel Museum. Overnight in Jerusalem. (B.D)


Friday: Jerusalem

Ascend Mount Zion; visit Dormition Abbey, the traditional Upper Room and the Tomb of King David. Enter the Old City from the Dung Gate. View the Dome of the Rock, mosque of Islam; continue to the Western Wall. Walk through centuries of history in the Hasmonean Tunnel (tunnel schedules permitting) or tour the Herodian Mansions. On to the Crusader Church of St. Anne and the Pool of Bethesda; see Pilate’s Judgment Hall, the Chapel of Flagellation and the Arch of Ecce Homo. Follow the steps of the Via Dolorosa through narrow alleys and souks to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Enter the Jewish Quarter; walk along the excavated Cardo, once a main street of Byzantine Jerusalem. Tonight, Dinner and overnight at your hotel. (B.D)


Saturday: Jerusalem

Drive to the Dead Sea region, the lowest place on earth, reaching Masada. Ascend by cable car to this last stronghold of the Zealots in their struggle against the Romans. Tour Herod’s Palace, synagogue and bathhouse. Descend by cable car and drive to a spa hotel on the shores of the Dead Sea for lunch and use the rest of the day to relax and enjoy an unsinkable swim in the buoyant, mineral-rich, salty waters of the Dead Sea. Return to Jerusalem for overnight at your hotel. (B.L)


Sunday: Jerusalem

Travel to the top of the Mount of Olives and marvel at the magnificent view of the Old City. Descend to the Garden of Gethsemane  with its ancient olive trees to see the Church of All Nations. Drive via the Knesset (Parliament) to the Shrine of the Book, home of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Continue along the rolling Judean Hills to charming Ein Karem, birthplace of John the Baptist; see the Church of the Visitation. Then proceed to Yad Vashem, Memorial to the Holocaust; visit the Museum, Children’s Pavilion and walk along the Avenue of the Righteous. End the day with a visit to Bethlehem and Manger Square (conditions permitted; tour operated by the Palestinian Authority–  Passports required). (B)


Monday: Jerusalem

Now that you’re a Jerusalem expert, enjoy a full day at leisure for on your own explorations of this fascinating city full of open air pedestrian malls with restaurants, shops and abundant street vendors. Great for last minute shopping before you travel home. Overnight in Jerusalem.* (B)

*Program can be shortened by one night; return home on Monday or extend stay to Jordan or Egypt. Please inquire.


Tuesday: En Route

Transfer to the Airport for your departure flight; special assistance is provided for check-in service. Or, continue on an extension to Jordan, Egypt or Dubai. (B)


(B) Breakfast            (L) Lunch       (D) Dinner




May ‘24 – May ‘25
  4-Seat Vehicle
#Passengers Per Vehicle 2
2024 Sunday Departures Twin Single
May 12*, 19, 26, Jun 2, 16, 23, Nov 24 $6945 $8695
Jun 30, Jul 7, 14, 21, 28, Sep 1, 8, 15, 22 6855 8500
Aug 4, 11, 18, 25 7100 8950
Oct 27, Nov 3, 10, 17 7040 8855
Dec 1, 8 6740 8285
Dec 15, 29 6855 8500
Dec 22 7110 9020
2025 Sunday Departures
Jan 5, 12, 19, 26, Feb 2, 9, 16 6710 8225
Feb 23 6770 8350
Mar 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Apr 20, 27*, May 4, 11, 18 7040 8855

* Revised Touring due to holidays in Israel

Please inquire for supplement for touring in Mercedes V Class (seats up to 5 passengers).

Prices for 5 Passengers and over plus 3rd bed Adult & Child rates available upon request.

For extensions to Jordan, Egypt, or Dubai, please refer to pages 55-63 & 70-71.


May ‘25 – May ‘26
  4-Seat Vehicle 7-Seat Vehicle
#Passengers Per Vehicle 2 3 4
2025 Sunday Departures Twin Single Twin Single Twin Single
Jun 1, 8, 15, 22 $7020 $8800 $6095 $7870 $5420 $7200
Jun 29, Jul 6, 13, 20, 27, Aug 31, Sep 7 6920 8595 5990 7665 5315 6995
Aug 3, 10, 17, 24 7175 9060 6245 8130 5575 7460
Oct 19, 26, Nov 2, 9 7105 8955 6180 8025 5505 7350
Nov 16, 23 7075 8885 6145 7955 5470 7285
Nov 30, Dec 7 6800 8375 5870 7445 5195 6770
Dec 14 6870 8545   5945 7615 5270 6945
Dec 21 7165 9240 6235 8310 5560 7635
Dec 28 6945 8720 6015 7790 5340 7115
2026 Sunday Departures
Jan 4, 11, 18, 25, Feb 1, 8, 15, 22 6770 8310 5840 7380 5165 6710
Mar 1, 8, 15, 22, Apr 12*, 26, May 3, 10, 17, 24 7105 8955 6180 8025 5505 7350

* Revised Touring due to holidays in Israel

Please inquire for supplement for touring in Mercedes V Class (seats up to 5 passengers).

Prices for 5 Passengers and over plus 3rd bed Adult & Child available upon request.

For extensions to Jordan and Egypt, please refer to pages 47-51 & 54.


Click here to download a PDF version.

Discover the Holyland by Private Car – Price Chart 2022-23

May ‘22 – May ‘23
  4-Seat Vehicle                    7-Seat Vehicle
#Passengers Per Vehicle 2 3 4
Twin Single Twin Single Twin Single
2022 Sunday Departures            
May 15, 22*, Jun 26, Jul 3, 10, 17, 24, Sep 4, 11 $5855 $7355 $5050 $6550 $4505 $6005
May 29, Jun 5, 12, 19 5930 7465 5125 6655 4580 6115
Jul 31, Aug 7, 14, 21, 28 6065 7710 5260 6905 4715 6360
Oct 16, 23, 30, Nov 6, 13, 20 6005 7600 5200 6795 4655 6250
Nov 27 5880 7345 5070 6540 4530 5995
Dec 4, 11 5730 7065  4925 6260 4380 5715
Dec 18, 25 6065 7735 5260 6925 4715 6380
2023 Sunday Departures
Jan 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Feb 5, 12, 19 5700 7005 4890 6200 4350 5655
Feb 26 5880 7345 5070 6540 4530 5995
Mar 5, 12, 19, 26, Apr 16, 23*, 30 6005 7600 5200 6795 4655 6250

* Touring Revised due to Holidays in Israel

Please inquire for supplement for touring in Mercedes V Class (seats up to 5 passengers).

Prices for 5 Passengers and over plus 3rd bed Adult & Child rates available upon request.

For extensions to Jordan, Egypt, or Dubai, please refer to pages 50-53 & 61-64



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